lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /home/famous7/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme49068/style.less Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix -

Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix


Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix

Large: 1 LB – $9.00

If you know any bridge mix junkies then you know that 1 pound of it just may not be enough! And wait until they try the Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix, which is as good as it gets, hands-down. Bridge mix is an old-fashioned licorice candy mix with delicious flavor, a variety of textures, and a bounty of color.

SKU: JB-LB Category:


Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix - Did you know that the Jelly Belly Candy Company makes more than 100 candies in addition to their famous jelly beans? Licorice Bridge Mix happens to be one, so try it today and see how quickly it will become one of your new favorites, if it isn't already, of course!